Model School Network

We’re building a powerful change movement for students in Haiti.

Learn more about our mission.

The Challenge:

Haiti’s Underperforming Schools

Haiti's education system is underperforming. Although recent efforts have improved access to basic education, the persistence of poor-quality teaching and learning — coupled with weak governance at school and system levels — prevent students from completing their fundamental education in a timely manner with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive. The educational system is highly fragmented - characterized by a culture of competition that discourages collaboration and a lack of reliable data to guide educators, managers, policymakers, and funders. Efficient mechanisms to provide educators and administrators with sufficient training, support and supervision are lacking. Curricular content and learning supports are not adapted to context. Children who struggle are left behind. Mechanisms to engage the broader community in support of student success and well-being are dysfunctional or absent. Many stakeholders do not feel valued, fueling deep discouragement and a culture of mediocrity. There is an urgent need to enable cross-sector collaboration to identify data-driven solutions to critical quality and governance challenges in different Haitian contexts — and to develop efficient mechanisms to disseminate and scale the resulting models.


Our Response:

Co-Creating Solutions that Scale

The Model School Network (MSN) was launched in 2016 to enable sustained, cross-sector collaboration among a range of Haitian and international partners with complementary expertise and resources and a shared vision of change. By identifying strategic leverage points for improving student success in three different school networks in Haiti’s Central Plateau — where academic performance indicators are among the lowest and schools embody the challenges facing the broader educational system — the MSN intends to create model approaches for quality teaching, learning and governance that can be replicated anywhere in Haiti. We will promote the scaling of these evidence-based solutions through mutual learning, technical assistance, and focused advocacy - and enhance their sustainability by nurturing a culture of shared responsibility for student success and well-being.


The Network.


  • 200 SCHOOLS

  • 50,000 CHILDREN



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